Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA is an academically comprehensive and globally engaged urban research university, dedicated to advancing knowledge and society and to providing every student with a valuable, rigorous, experiential, technology-infused education, enriched by the nation's premier co-operative education program The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Jan 14, · The Drexel essay about major or topic of choice is for those who apply online using Drexel's app. If you send the Drexel app by mail, then you do have to go online and complete their essay. January
First-Year Instructions | Undergraduate Admissions | Drexel University
For a better experience, click the icon above to turn off Compatibility Mode, which drexel essay only for viewing older websites. For over a decade, the Drexel Liberty Scholars program has helped to break down the barriers to higher education for Philadelphia-based drexel essay. Starting with the — academic year, we are excited to announce that we are both expanding this opportunity to eligible students across the U.
and strengthening its impact by focusing on recruiting students drexel essay historically underrepresented backgrounds. Now through the Liberty Scholars program, Drexel provides 65 recent high school graduates from across the nation with a renewable scholarship award that covers percent of tuition and fees. Additionally, the program fosters student success through a dedicated faculty or staff mentor, a Living Learning Community in which all scholars live during their first two years, extracurricular and developmental programming, and active engagement with campus life.
Looking ahead, we are striving to strengthen our commitment to diversity, inclusion, drexel essay, and social justice by cultivating the thought leaders and social justice advocates of tomorrow through the program's expanded eligibility criteria. Please note: The Liberty Scholars Scholarship, in combination with other financial aid, cannot exceed a student's cost of attendance. Check out the Liberty Scholars program brochure and learn more about what the program offers as well as how to apply and become a part of this diverse community dedicated to social justice.
Download Liberty Scholars Program Brochure [PDF], drexel essay. Applicants must be U. citizens or permanent residents and have demonstrated financial need Drexel uses the CSS Profile to determine the financial eligibility of applicants. Applicants who are home-schooled will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, drexel essay. The scholarship is open to all first-year applicants in all majors as long as it is an on-campus, full-time, undergraduate program.
Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not drexel essay struggle of a day, a week, a month, or drexel essay year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble, drexel essay.
What social justice issue do you want to "make some noise" about and are willing to get into "good trouble, necessary trouble" for and why? Final candidates will be invited to participate in an interview. Details about the interview will be emailed drexel essay candidates. As a Liberty Scholar, drexel essay, there are certain requirements you must meet in order to remain in the program:. Liberty Scholar applicants should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by either calling Drexel Liberty Scholars Program For over a decade, the Drexel Liberty Scholars program has helped to break down the barriers to higher education for Philadelphia-based students.
Join our Community Check out the Liberty Scholars program brochure and learn more about what the program offers as well as how to apply and become a part of this diverse community dedicated to social justice.
, time: 16:12Transfer Instructions | Undergraduate Admissions | Drexel University

Aug 11, · Drexel University Application Essay Prompts Custom-Designed Applicant Prompt Please write a to word vision statement/essay describing in detail what you want to study, what you hope to accomplish during your time in the program, and why your educational goals cannot be met by pursuing a traditional Drexel major, a double major, or a major combined with blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA is an academically comprehensive and globally engaged urban research university, dedicated to advancing knowledge and society and to providing every student with a valuable, rigorous, experiential, technology-infused education, enriched by the nation's premier co-operative education program All full-time applicants (except Nursing ACE) must submit a to word essay on a topic of their choice with their application. We do not accept essays submitted on paper. Westphal College of Media Arts and Design applicants should submit a writing supplement instead of the application essay. More information regarding the writing supplement can be found blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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